Online Learning Opportunities
Soil Health Restore Cost Share Program
The Soil Health Restore Cost Share Program
Available in Owen and Morgan Counties
Program Goal:
Improve the soil health of enrolled corn/bean fields through a combined regime of zone based soil testing, soil health testing, precise nutrient placement, conservation tillage, and continuous living cover.
Anticipated Program Benefits:
Reduced soil loss, improved water holding capacity, increased carbon sequestration, improved crop yields, reduced pest pressure, improved crop resilience, enhanced biological diversity, and reduced fertilizer inputs.
Program Eligibility:
Corn/Bean fields greater than 10 and less than 100 acres
Landowner or Operator can participate
Must have control of land for 3 year term of program
Program Components
(3 consecutive years, $30/acre average payment per year):
Nutrient management cost-share payment, including:
Standard Soil Testing with amendment recommendation
H3A Soil Health Test at beginning and end of program
Fall/Winter cover crop, cost-share payment
Participant Commitment:
3 consecutive years of soil testing, cover crops, nutrient amendments, and conservation tillage for field(s) enrolled in program
Share average past and current crop yield data for enrolled fields(confidential)
Follow SWCD staff recommendations for cover crop species/mixes
Program Ranking:
Priority ranking will be given to fields that are:
Highly Erodible (HEL) or Floodplain
Currently Tilled
Previously not cover-cropped
To Mail your application:
Morgan County SWCD
180 S. Main Street, Suite 002
Martinsville, IN 46151
Due to the possibility that Morgan County SWCD staff may be working out in the field, it is best to email us or call us with questions for a quick response! Applications can also be submitted via email!
Phone: (765)349-2060